Part 1
21, 2006)
Margie and Amanda took us to
Sacramento to catch our plane to Chicago. On the way down we
missed the turnoff. She was talking and a truck obscured the
sign, so we crossed the Sacramento River and Mel told her she
missed it. We were entering West Sacramento. We went back to
highway 5 that goes to The airport. She said she’d never done
that before….hmmm…I hoped it wasn’t a bad beginning.
We pulled up to Southwest
Airline’s unloading zone. We were early, but there was a line of
people waiting to get their tickets and check their baggage. We
had two boxes containing sleeping bags, towels, our favorite
travel cups & thermos, and two good sized suitcases. I packed my
computer and camera and only had my purse to carry on. One
suitcase was too heavy, so we took the extra two pounds out
and stuffed it into another one. They took our baggage and gave
us our tickets. (Margie had made arrangements earlier), but we
had to confirm and show ID’s. We hugged Margie and Amanda
goodbye and headed for our gate.
The Airport was a lot bigger
since our last flight in 2003 to go on the cruise to Alaska. So
is the security. We removed our shoes, and put stuff in a basket
that went through a metal detector. Some old guy (like us) was
being thoroughly searched. Then we moved on to our gate and
waited for our 11:30 am flight. Lots of people. We had open
seating, and hoped we’d get to sit together. Mel was being
gentlemanly to another elderly lady and her husband, but I urged
him to stay with me….Luckily we got the last two seats together
in the tail. A young woman sat next to me by the window. She was
returning to Baltimore from a business trip to California. Her
company supplied pizza to public schools. Mel sat on the other
side of me next to the isle. The elderly lady sat in front of
him, and her husband was seated on the other side. We lucked
out. I’d brought a couple of sandwiches and Snicker candy bars
since they only served snacks. Next to the elderly lady was a
man with a baby. There was a younger one across the isle with
another man. The two were connected somehow. Both children took
turns crying. It was pretty hard on them….they were so tired.
Finally, the older one fell asleep. The younger one struggled
until not long before we landed. Naturally, we had to walk to
the other end of the airport to pick up our luggage and rent a
car. Margie had made arrangements for that too. Thank goodness
they have those moving walks. My knee isn’t that great.
We loaded boxes and suitcases
into the Hertz rental car and headed out of the airport. Our
ordeal was about to begin. Chicago highways are in the process
of upgrading. Their signs are few and far apart, and the streets
don’t exactly match the signs, and most aren’t noted on the map.
Anyway, we drove around in circles for awhile (even after asking
directions), and wound up to far into Michigan, and had to turn
around. After driving about four hours, we finally at Holiday
Hotel where we had reservations. It was after midnight. Tim was
on the cell phone giving us directions just before that, and our
batteries gave out. I’d packed the auto charger, but couldn’t
find it in the suitcase. (It turned out to be practically on

Just before we left, Virginia
emailed this joke warning us to not be like Moses, who wandered
in the wilderness for thirty-nine years until Mrs. Moses finally
asked for directions. We really laughed about that. Well, now I
realize that it doesn’t matter if old codger’s ask directions.
We can’t remember them anyway….
Tim’s Indiana RV store was just
down the road from the hotel…at Wakarusa (Elkhart),
Indiana... not far from the factory.

It's amazing
that Tim had his plans okayed,
built this beautiful place and had it operating in a couple of
years, while our local
Planner's are still dickering on the property he
bought before this one in California, where he wants to build a
similar building to handle his expanding business. He would have
a wonderful shop for his workers to maintain the RVs. California
is not friendly to those who employ people and pay big taxes to
keep our economy (and government) running.

When we got to DeMartini’s RV, Rod
Martin and CJ greeted us.
CJ showed us the where and what’s about
our new RV.

Later CJ told us that he was
looking forward to the weekend, because he was going scuba
diving with a group to explore an old sunken three mast schooner
in Lake Michigan. It sounded interesting to me. Then we returned
the rental car, and looked for a place to eat. The one we
decided to eat at was the nearest to the shop. Easy to see why
there weren’t many customers, but we were too hungry to
discriminate. We spent the night plugged into the shop along
side some people in a really big motor home. We were so tired we
went to bed early. It was still light outside. I was sleeping,
heard the phone ringing but decided not to answer. Both of us
woke up around 11:pm, read and watched Jay Leno on our new RV's
television before going back to sleep.
Saturday, Sept. 23
We got up around 9am. We got
things ready to go, and said goodbye to Rod. Stopped at the
Cock-A-Doodle café for breakfast. It was full of people so we
figured it was good like we’d been told.

Breakfast? Mel looked at his
watch. It was almost noon. The breakfast was good. After
breakfast we were on our way. This is Amish country, and it was
nice to see a horse and
buggy occasionally.

This is an interesting building. I'll have to find out what it is.

Lots of huge farms growing corn
and other grain. On our way to Interstate 80 we stopped at a
couple of rest areas. Facilities are very clean and modern. We
drove off the freeway to a shopping center where there was a
huge Wal-Mart. It had everything including groceries and
produce. Now’s the time to get our motor home stocked with
things we need. I shopped so long, Mel came in to see what kept
me so long. It had rained, but stopped by the time I finished.
After loading stuff, I put a couple of TV dinners in the
micro/convection oven for dinner. Mel read a little and went to
bed while I finished putting things away. We both
enjoyed a much needed rest.
Part 2
Part 3
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