Franc was born and raised in Holland. He liked to reminisce about
picking wild strawberries, and the millions of wild ducks and geese
that stopped at the Netherlands to rest during their yearly
migrations. Consequently their abandoned eggs were crushed and used as
mortar in the seawalls (or dykes) and castles. His stories stirred my
own childhood memories of stories like the boy with the silver skates,
and Hansel and Grethel picking wild strawberries, and brave little
Peter stopping the leak in the dyke. Franc’s father was a musician. One day, when Franc was very
young, his father brought home a small Cello and a puppy. The puppy
was to be the reward for Franc learning to play the Cello. Eventually
Franc studied music with such famous cellists as Anton Hekking of
Berlin; Mossel of Amsterdam; and Klengel of Liepzig.
Franc became the personal musician of Germany’s Kaiser Wilhiem.
During the maiden voyage of the Kaiser’s ship, Kaiser's brother
Prince Hendrich was put in charge of the musicians so that he could
play his violin with them. Franc mentioned a frightening experience
that happened while they were playing dinner music for the Kaiser and
his formally attired guests. They were about 200 miles from the coast
of South America when the ship suddenly collided with something and
stopped. The Captain quickly rose to his feet and calmly informed the
terrified and somewhat soiled diners that there was no need to be
alarmed, because they had merely struck a mound of mud deposited by
the Amazon River.
When they finally docked at Rio de Janeiro, Franc and another musician
went ashore to look around. It was oppressively hot, so they stripped
and went for a swim in the nearby river to cool off. Later they
mentioned their refreshing dip to the dismayed Captain, who motioned
them to observe. He took a loaf of bread, walked over to the ships
railing and tossed chunks of bread into the water that came alive with
fierce, voracious fish. “You were very lucky," he scolded. " This is
why no one swims in these rivers.”
Louise Wanda was born in Berlin (then Prussia), and her father
owned a large grain storage facility and flour mill in the farming
area. After their marriage, she and Franc lived in Berlin where he
played Cello with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. On the surface,
all seemed well, but political bitterness was building, inflation
rising, and some items like butter were becoming scarce. Franc felt
uneasy. Even worse was the disappearance of a musician acquaintance
and others (according to Franc) who were stupid enough to criticize
the Communists. This prompted him to ask others if musicians could earn a living
in America. The news was encouraging, so he and Louise Wanda made the
necessary arrangements, and were soon packed and on their way. When
they reached the border, Louise Wanda discovered she didn’t have her
passport. Franc waited, while she returned to their Berlin apartment
hoping to find it.
The atmosphere at the border was tense. No smiles, or spoken
assurances from anyone. Franc noticed an old piano in the corner of
the room, so he decided to wile away the time doing what he enjoyed
most. He seated himself and began playing popular waltzes and songs
and everyone began singing and chatting like old friends. Before long
Louise Wanda returned with her passport, and they were soon on their
way to visit Francs' mother in Holland. After a brief visit, they
departed on the last ship allowed to leave for America. World War I
started, and Franc received news that he was excused from serving in
the German military.
During his musical career in America, Franc played cello with the
Cincinnati symphony under Eugene Ysaye’s baton, and later with the Los
Angeles Symphony. He traveled extensively and met many interesting
people. On one occasion in 1934, he was with a musical group providing
entertainment for a reception in Pasadena. Albert Einstein was there
and asked the concert master if he could play the violin with the
group.... proving to everyone that he was a very fine violinist.

Franc's expertise at the piano.
Intuitively Franc was pretty paranoid about rumors of
when Pearl Harbor was bombed in 1941, he feared LA would be next. The Luschen's had visited Nevada County before and liked it, so they
purchased property on Red Dog Road where Franc built their home. About
that time, our mother met the Luschens and decided we three girls
needed piano lessons. This expanded to sister Kathy learning violin,
which she still plays in musical groups. Virginia played the clarinet
and saxophone in the local high school orchestra and band. After a
short time learning the basics of piano and Cello, I decided musical
instruments were not my forte'. That, and the realization that Franc
didn't have much patience. Some musicians are better performers than
teachers, so it wasn't long before Louise Wanda took over teaching the
Left to right: Franc, violinists Nelda self,
Kathy, Debra Thompson,
Rosemary Freeland. Back row: Allan Haley on the base and Brian Haley on
the flute.
Our friendship grew up with us. Eventually my husband and I built
our first home on family property next door to the Luschens; where we
lived until Franc passed away, and Louise Wanda moved to Fresno to
live near her sisters for the remainder of her life. Looking back, I realize they grew up in a nice world much like
ours that evolved into a political hell that resulted in the deaths of
millions of people. During the earliest stage, they didn't like the
negative changes taking place in their world, so they chose to find a
better place where they used their creative abilities to please and
teach many others.
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