Listen to the Elk bugle...
Where's The Elk?
(Oct. 24-26 2007)
The hunting season officially opened Wednesday, and the hunters were out and about at the crack of dawn. We heard them leaving, but snuggled down in our nice warm bed. They were gone off and on most of the day...after day, and told stories about seeing elk, but never getting a good position to do anything about it. Vicky and Guy had to be back home by the weekend, so they left early Friday morning.
These little rascals live at the camp-site, and can be seen early in the morning looking for goodies.
It's Friday afternoon, and Tim stopped by camp and asked me if I'd like to go with him in the Rhino to find Margie and Amanda. He thought I 'd like to take some good pictures while enjoying the ride to the top of the mountain, where the trail takes off to Mount Ireland.
Tim didn't take his time. We sped, lurched, shook, rattled and rolled up the winding, rough road. Although I had the seat belt on, I sometimes hung on with one hand while taking pictures with the other hand. It was cold and my gloves made it harder. Regardless, I was truly amazed at how sure footed the Rhino was. It's a wonderful four wheel, rough terrain vehicle. The little pickup box on the back is great for carrying stuff.
The elk like to hang out up here.
Mt. Ireland in the distance.
When we get to the trail head to Mt. Ireland where Margie parked the jeep, Tim called Margie on his cell phone. It wouldn't work in camp. The sign says the trail is two miles, but maybe that's as the crow flies. Those who've hiked it claim the steep winding path takes about as much time as three miles require.
Margie and Amanda hiked the meandering trail to the lookout.
Margie reminds me of that Mervyn's sales commercial..."Open! Open! Open!"
Look at that view, and the cool blue lake below.....
Margie and Amanda meet us where the jeep was parked and we head back to camp.
We wind up the day watching the movie "Hoax." Based on the true story? Richard Gere portrays the unbelievably true story of the man who almost pulled off the biggest literary con of the 20th century. The charismatic Clifford Irving (Gere) convinces a major publishing house that Howard Hughes, billionaire recluse, has asked Irving to pen his authorized autobiography.
Then Irving must concoct an elaborate scheme to prove his fake manuscript is real. It was inspired by Irving’s book The Hoax. Hugh's got wind of it, used Irving to get some business done in his favor, and then broke his silence that ended up with Irving going to prison for a couple of years, and his wife spending a year in a Swiss prison for her part in the swindle.
Modern day camping in the wilderness on top of the mountain watching big screen television is really roughing it. Not too bad. Tonight's our last night here. The bunch will head back to California tomorrow, and we'll go to Bonner's Ferry, Idaho to visit sister Kathy, then Salem, Oregon to see sister Giny and Bill....and then back to California.
So where's the elk? He lucked out, and is still out there doing what elk like to do.