Last Minute Weekend Get Away
(Sat June 13, 2009)
"We're going up to the lake overnight. Would you like to go too?" Margie asked us late Saturday morning. Sounded good to Sue and me, but Mel was a little hesitant. He always has lots of projects he's working on. Before long we were all getting ready to go. The last chore was to stop at the grocery store, and then get propane where we'd all meet at the RV sales lot. The weather report was scattered showers in the mountains. We encountered a little rain going up 80 along with a rainbow. Amanda rode with Sue and captured it in this photo. Can you believe it...I charged the battery to my camera, left it home, and brought my empty camera.
I think Annie enjoys being part of the family outing...although a little insecure.
You can tell it rained today.
Barbecued steaks, corn on the cob and salad dinner by the fire. What fun! In our haste we forgot the marsh mellows...
Like Annie, the old folks retired for the night.
Sue, Amanda and Brent stayed by the campfire making up a bedtime story (similar to the movie). To make a long story short...It begins with a cowboy and his horse. Somehow he winds up on the ground and tries to coax his horse to come over and help him. The horse discovers some delicious marshmallows and isn't interested in him. After a few useless adventures a wizard turns him into a fly where the bedtime story ends. In reality, the next day the fly shows up at lunch time and Sue annihilates him. What a miserable end for such a noble character.
The Snow plant grows in the thick humus of mountain coniferous forests from 4000' to 8000' blooming from May to July. It apparently supplements its nutrient intake by partially parasitizing the roots of pine trees by means of a shared mycorrhizal fungus.
The next day everyone's getting ready to explore or fish at a lake about two miles up the road. Sue's busy getting her quad off the trailer, and we noticed naughty Annie decided to enjoy Sue's bed when she wasn't looking. Now the door to the tent is closed. Brent and Tim are working on the inflatable boat motor, but finally gave up trying to get it to run. Next time.
We didn't go with them when they finally headed for the lake.
After all we're by a lake that's very beautiful. It has lots of catfish.
I have a left knee problem, but we walked about a mile. Many years ago Mel hauled logs out of most of these places. We're so lucky to have enjoyed these beautiful places...along with so many pleasant memories of a different world.
A few notes along our walk...Mile marker and stream flowing from the lake.
Some folks shoot everything in sight.
The end of the road for vehicles. They'll hike to the lake from here.
Brent told us about wet feet places like this that are hard to get around.
Amanda caught the big one.
Meanwhile, Sue was exploring on her own, and took some beautiful photos.
Sue's top o' the mountain video.
It's getting late. Time to break camp and head for home.
Sue checking her tie downs.
Lots of traffic and construction work being done on I 80. They detour the trucks through Nevada City and Grass Valley at night to make it easier and safer for the workers. Many people complain about the noise, but the work is way past due as you can see by the next photo. The road is literally cracking to pieces. This photo isn't as bad as most places.
It's always nice to get back to ol' Nevada City. This was was fun, and we plan to do more adventures closer to home.