Easter Sunday
(April 12, 2009)
According to plan, Easter turned out to be a nice sunny, but slightly cool during the late afternoon. We all brought something for the picnic at the ranch lake...and set up our table next to Mark and Laurie's bunch. It's a wonderful place for a sun-fun get together.
Laurie expressed her usual artistic flare by creating this beautiful bouquet from fruit. By the time I took this picture some of it had already been devoured.
Don't shoot.....my picture!
Naturally the guys have to do a little target practice.
A bull's eye for Timmy who wins the prize.
Katie, Maggie and I take a little ride back to the house with Margie.
This place is so beautiful...especially in the spring when the grass is green and all the little wild flowers wake up from their winter nap. I'll always remember the wonderful horseback rides when we kept our horses here. They loved it too.
While Brent's concentrating on the target, Drew and Timmy decide to splash him with water.
Bradley decides to try his aim. It isn't easy because of injuries suffered when a drunk driver ran into his pickup.
Mark shows me a movie he took with his wonderful camera. He can send it home to his computer?
Margie and Tim just finished hiding the Easter eggs. Since Mason's the only little guy...the hunt's open to whoever wants to join in.
And we're off to where the hunt will begin.
Get ready...get set...Go!
Hunter's in the mood to hunt.
Ohhh...watch out for poison oak hiding in the rocks.
Do you see what I see up in the tree?
Karli found the first prize egg.
Drew managed to find the hard to find prize hidden in a baseball egg.
And not to be outdone, Brent displays his prize basketball egg.
Get ready...Mason's about to heave the clay pigeon!
It's a hit or miss situation...
Did Megan, or Amanda shoot it...or did they both miss?
Time to say goodbye to everybody and head for home. As usual, it's been a beautiful day with very dear people. The best that life has to offer.