Congratulation Nevada Union High School Graduates
(Saturday June 6, 2009)
Among the many Nevada Union High School senior class members that graduated at Hooper Stadium today, we're especially honoring Brent, Katie, Becca, Stacey and Peter. The ceremony began with the traditional processional Pomp and Circumstance music played by the Symphonic Band, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and Star Spangled Banner. School Principal Marty Mathiesen welcomed everyone and presented the Valedictorians. The Senior Choir sang It takes a Village, and the graduates received their diplomas.
Alma Mater
On a hill, 'neath waving pine trees Reared against the sky Stands our school, our Alma Mater Nevada Union High Alma Mater, Alma Mater Nevada Union High Faithful, loyal, firm and true we'll be 'til we die.
Because they thought it might rain, the entire graduation ceremony only lasted from 9:00 to 10:30. It didn't rain, but the cool weather and shortened ceremony was a memorable experience.
Congratulations Katie.
From sis Jen, mom and brother Brad.
And cousin Amanda.
Congratulations Brent...
From mom and dad and brother Timmy...
...And sis Vicky and hubby Guy.
Congratulations Stacey...
From your brother Jeremy and grandmother Alice.
Congratulations Peter...
Especially from your dad and mom.
Auntie's Cheryl and Sue share the moment.
Can you believe we did it?
Who's got who?
Friends Kayla 'n Katie ham it up!
...And later a Luau Graduation Party
Late afternoon we gathered together at Margie and Tim's for a wonderful barbecue, swimming, fun and games celebrating our graduates special day. Sue and Amanda decorated with a Hawaiian motive....Little starfish, sparkles and sand down the center of the tables. Bright colored fish skirted the pool and a couple of large bouquets of balloons by Amanda completed the picture. Everyone (including the dogs) wore bright colored flower leis. Laurie provided a wonderful grad cake complete with the graduate's baby pictures frosting.
Whenever you Remember song by Carrie Underwood...
When you look back on times we had I hope you smile And know that through the good and through the bad I was on your side when nobody could hold us down. We claimed the brightest star, and we came so far...And no they won't forget. Yeah Whenever you remember times gone by Remember how we held our heads so high When all this world was there for us And we believed that we could touch the sky Whenever you remember, I'll be there Remember how we reached that dream together Whenever you remember When you think back on all we've done I hope you're proud When you look back and see how far we've come It was our time to shine And nobody could hold us down They thought they'd see us fall But we, we stood so tall And no we won't forget Yeah, Whenever you remember times gone by Remember how we held our heads so high When all this world was there for us And we believed that we could touch the sky Whenever you remember, I'll be there Remember how we reached that dream together Whenever you remember.
Chefs John and Timmy flippin' burgers. Yummm.
Who has more fun than us?
Cheryl's trying, but Timmy keeps raising the odds...
Wow! Katie magically scores!
Let's play ball!
It's been a wonderful, eventful day with dear people we're very proud of. We wish you much happiness and creative fulfillment on life's adventuresome road ahead.