Meet the Candidates
(Wednesday April 25, 2012)

The Union, Yuba Net, KVMR and KNCO ask the Candidates
questions. The Union's publisher and editor is moderator for the

In the local race for District 1 Supervisor, incumbent Nate Beason
touted his experience and his ability to represent rural Nevada County at
the state level, which he does with the Regional Council of Rural
Counties. His opponents, Sue McGuire and Al Bulf, both distinguished
themselves from the incumbent, with McGuire saying her legal experience
as an attorney, her emphasis on financial transparency by the county, and
to make sure there was no "spiking" of government employee salaries prior
to retirements. Her program of considering each issue in the light of how it would affect
job creation made her the ideal candidate. Bulf said he would advocate
for public transportation, which would create jobs and bring more tourist
to the area. During the discussion, incumbent Beason assured the audience
that there was no "spiking" of salaries prior to retirements. Nice to
know, but according to an
article by Dai Meagher
County pension expense rose
5,000 percent over a ten year period, and what will be the solution for
the $120 million pension shortfall.

State Assembly District 1 candidates.

Taking a break during the forum.

For Superior Court Judge are.... George Smyrnos and
Tom Anderson.

Those running for Congress - District 1.

Candidate Sue McGuire and former Supervisor Sue

And then......
Candidate Evening at the Rood Center
(Monday April 30, 2012)

The questions and answers were interesting and
informative...providing a larger view of candidate and
constituent concerns.
Following the Supervisor's forum were two
candidates vying for Superior Court Judge...incumbent Judge Tom Anderson
and his challenger, Sacramento County Deputy District Attorney
George Smyrnos. We didn't stay for this, but according to the Union
newspaper, "The debate grew somewhat contentious in response to a question
from KVMR's Paul Emery, regarding handling caseloads in a timely manner.
“We could use a little bit more help,” Anderson acknowledged, adding that
the real problem is not the number of judges, it's the loss of 13 staff
members in the last four years due to budget cuts. “We need our budget
back.” Smyrnos, however, said the court just needed to handle cases in a
timely manner. “Requiring the attorneys to be prepared would result in
less continuances,” he said. “Cases are being continued unnecessarily for
weeks on end....” You can read the rest of the story at
The Union.

Nate Beason
Alfred Buft
Sue McGuire interviews.
Supervisors Competing for District
To make long stories short, all three
candidates for the District 1 seat on the Nevada County Board of
Supervisors feel they embody experience, ideas and accountability.
Nate Beason's been Supervisor for two terms and thinks he's done a
pretty good job, and that people trust him. He can't figure out why
Sue McGuire and Alfred Buft are running against him.
Challenger Al Bulf believes he'll bring new, vibrant ideas capable of
bolstering the local economy and solving lingering problems, by
building a public railroad via electric train that would connect Grass
Valley, Nevada City, Lake Tahoe and Colfax. He figures it'll help the
economy head in a different direction. Challenger Sue McGuire
said she has the necessary experience in both the public and private
sector to ensure that the county is run in a more business-friendly
manner and will bring more transparency to the county's fiscal
operations. Her opponent (Beason), and several people on the Board's
employment, have only been in public employment, so they don't
understand what private businesses go through. Too many expensive
regulations, fees and hurdles imposed on them. She thinks Bulf has
some good ideas, but wondered about feasibility. As for Beason, she
feels two terms in office is long enough to get in there and do your
work, because human nature has a tendency to become entrenched, too
friendly with staff to where the elected tends to forget those they're
supposed to represent. She advocates more and better use of our
county's natural resources...water, timber, gold and other minerals
that are important to our lives and economy. Times have changed and so
have the ways of doing things. All three candidates will
be on the June 5, primary election ballot. If one of the candidates
wins 50 percent plus one vote, he or she will win the seat outright.
If no clear winner is declared on June 5, the top two vote-getters
will face off in the November general election.