Bruce's 80th Birthday Party
(Saturday Sept. 1, 2012)
t's Labor Day weekend,
and tonight we're in Alleghany to celebrate Bruce's 80th birthday at
his daughter Caree's (Casey's) place where she's preparing a delicious
prime rib gourmet dinner for everyone. Bruce was my Nevada City classmate
and eventually became a shirt-tail relative, so the location of this event
is wonderful. We came in our lil' motor home so that if we party
late...all we have to do is walk across the street and go to bed. Great
idea Pa...

Bruce and his cute Tibetan terrier Josie.

George and Dennis .

Marilyn's telling me about Toby Keith's cute song "You
Ain't Much Fun."

More special wishes...

Don't ya love the Clamper Coat of Arms?

I'm on candid camera?

I think she wanted something else in the water....

While the prime ribs a cookin' Caree's keeping
everybody happy.

A fellow photographer...

The fun bunch...Mary Jo "questionable," Doris
"salt of the earth" Salter, "absolutely wonderful" Dr. Beth,
"birthday guy" Bruce, "blond bombshell" nurse Nancy, Nicole
and Aly Stretch. In the background are...Rafael "his blood is half
beer" Defort, Elizabeth Kendrick and Amber Mehrmann... reported
by "maybe she got it right" Bonnie.

Dennis thinks Larry's "the village compliment."
Dennis and his wife Marilyn grew up in Alleghany, so he should know.

Ain't it the truth...

Laughter is the best medicine for whatever...

Josie agrees and gives Bruce a kiss.

Dinners ready...Come and get it! It not only looks
delicious... It is! I'd forgotten what a great cook Caree is.

Emily's Catering in Nevada City made this special
cake honoring Bruce's love of hunting and fishing. An added touch of
artistry is her making the colors of the interior cake resemble

Caree's made Casey's bar and grill an interesting
museum. Beneath the glass on the table are some family
photos Bruce describes. Then
we'll sing happy birthday so he can blow out the candles.

Happy birthday dear Bruce...

Who wants to cut the cake? I think Mary Jo's got some
advice on how...

...But Bruce comments that he's glad he took
mechanical drawing.

Daughters Mary Jo and Caree share special smiles
with dad. We wish their brother Ken could have joined the fun, but he was
called to fight a forest fire.

Now that's more like it...

Camouflaged but delicious.

It's getting late, things are winding down to
handshakes, hugs
and good bye's. Thank you Mary Jo and Caree for everything. It's been a joyous evening with wonderful people
honoring Bruce and sharing memories. Bruce, we wish you all the best...and many more good times to come.
