They Fought Alone
By Bonnie Wayne McGuire
John Keat's story
about Colonel Wendell Fertig's adventure in the
Japanese-occupied Philippine island of Mindanao at the close of
World War II is one of the best war stories ever written. It's no
wonder "They Fought Alone" was considered for a
movie scripted by William Nicholson, directed by David Fincher
with Brad Pitt playing the leading role.
When the American forces in the
Philippines surrendered in May, 1942, a middle-aged mining engineer
named Wendell Fertig chose to take his chances in the jungle. What
happened to him during nearly three years behind enemy lines is
something else.

Col. Fertig 1945-1963
Fertig, with the aid of a handful of Americans refused to
surrender, led thousands of Filipinos in a seemingly hopeless war
against the Japanese. They made bullets from curtain rods;
telegraph wires from iron fence. They fought off sickness, despair
and rebellion within their own forces. Their home-made
communications became MacArthur's eyes and ears in the
Philippines. When the Americans finally returned to Mindanao, they
found Fertig virtually in control of one of the worlds largest
islands, commanding an army of 35,000 men, and at the head of a
civil government with its own law courts, currency, factories and
hospitals. The guy was a real leader.

From the beginning to end, this is
basically the story and the work by Colonel Wendell W. Fertig. He
lived through the experience, and provided diaries, memoirs, an
official military history of the Mindanao guerrilla, and a 600 page
rough draft of a manuscript of his own. In 1959, Fertig and his wife
Mary accompanied John Keats on a three-month journey to the
Philippine Islands, where they visited his old command post on
Mindanao. Parts of the book are based on the diaries and manuscripts
of several other Americans who served in the guerrilla army, and on
conversations with Filipine guerrilleros on Mindanao.
We wouldn't have known about the barefoot guerrilla
(dubbed by one author), if it hadn't been for Mel's cousin Ray who
became acquainted with Colonel Fertig and told us his story. We're convinced he's related to Mel and
Ray's family. (Mel's mother Marie was a Fertig.) In 1981 Ray's
brother Calvin Fertig wrote Wendell Fertig's brother Claude. He
received this reply:
"My brother Wendell had what little information that was
available on our family. Since his death all his papers are packed
away at his daughters house, and when they will ever make these
papers available is an unknown. My father was born Welly Lee
Fertig in Hampshire county W. Virginia. 22 March 1864 and died
July 23, 1924. I understood he was orphaned at birth and lived
with a brother John, until he headed west at an early age. His
wife was Olive Florence Baxter who was born in Old Granada
Colorado. 14 Oct 1874 There home was LaJunta Colorado, where they
both died. My father died 23 July 1924 and my mother died 26 May
1959. I lived in the Philippines from 1937 to 1970 so lost track
of all the relatives."
Mel's mother told me that originally, some Fertigs were put on the
wrong ship (that went to Mexico) by an unscrupulous man during
their emigration to America. He'd taken all their money and left
them to fend for themselves. Some became sick and died. The
survivors eventually made it to America. Besides their unusual
name the Fertigs have strong personalities, and distinguishing
physical features.

Here's cousin Ray Fertig's book autographed
by the Colonel in '63.

...And Ray during September 2001
when we visited him on his ranch near Cheyenne, Wyoming.
But let's return to Colonel Fertig's story...His
accomplishments didn't end with World War II. In 1960 he went to
work for Colorado School of Mining where he helped initiate a
number of new ideas and disciplines into the office. ROTC
had been at Mines since 1919, when it became one of the first four
colleges in the United States to be offered this opportunity. As
alumni association secretary, he lost no time in offering
assistance and cooperation to the program's officers and began a
relationship of mutual assistance that continues today. During his
fifteen years with the Alumni Association, he significantly
altered some of the ideas of the "men-only" adherents and was able
to change the practice of stag alumni events. He had a strong
connection with the students and it was during this time that the
Alumni Association office began a long association with the
Blue Key national honor fraternity. Colonel Fertig died in
Much has been written about him on the Internet. Even
Star Trek Fans named their international correspondence
chapter "Camp Wendell Fertig ." We hope the movie will
become a reality because Fertig's story demonstrates how a simple man's perseverance overcame terrible odds under
almost unbearable conditions.
November 11, 2006 I received this
email from Vincent Vicente
regarding his grandfather who fought with Colonel Fertig.
On October 2, 2009, Thomas R. Fasulo, a University
of Florida entomologist who has been editing on Wikipedia for
a couple of years, contacted me regarding my photos on this
page. He used Ray's photo of Wendell in the
Wikipedia story about him.
Here's a link to his website.