Mother Nature Stirs it up...
(Thursday November 29 - Sunday December 2, 2012)
Saturating soil, flooding
low-lying ground and knocking out power throughout western Nevada County,
rainstorms hammered Nevada County's foothills Sunday morning. The Yuba River
rages down the canyon stirring up gold nuggets,
mercury, boulders, debris and whatever else gets in the way.
Watch it? Nature's got a job to do whether we like it or not.

Margie took the photos of the Yuba River crossing
at Highway 49.

And finally, along came the rainbow...
Saturating soil, flooding low-lying ground and
knocking out power throughout western Nevada County, rainstorms hammered
the Sierra Foothills Sunday morning. Most of the damage occurred from 7
a.m. to noon, during which time the Nevada County Sheriff’s Office
received more than 150 calls, most of which were weather related.

Behind the Union Newspaper building?

The Glenbrook shopping area.

A couple of kayakers making the most of it.

Flooded area at Hughes Road and East Main Street.

East Main Street.

Wolf Creek floods Idaho Maryland Road

The weekend’s storm not only caused flooding, power
outages and fallen trees in residences and businesses but also wrecked one
of the historic train cars at the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad
Museum. “A pine tree broke off in the storm, and the trunk and high
branches damaged the center section of the car,” said curator Brian
Blair. The damaged train car was built by the St. Charles Car Company in
St. Charles, Mo., in July 1897 for the Florence and Cripple Creek Railroad
in Colorado. It was later sold to the Nevada, Colorado and Oregon Railroad
and was retired in 1928 and used as a cafe in Aden, Calif. The car was
later used as a part car at the Lyon’s Den miniature golf course in Chico,
before the Nevada County Narrow Gauge Railroad Museum purchased it in
1984. The extent of the damage has not yet been assessed, but it does
appear the train car can be saved. “Our restoration manager, John
Christensen, said the car can be salvaged and restored. There was
considerable damage, but it is reparable.” Windswept trees covered the
rail yard and that no other damages were incurred.

This tree came down in Nevada City's Pioneer Park
picnic area. Looks like Little Deer Creek was overflowing. Wonder how it
did downtown. We've seen it flow through the front door of that little
house at the bottom of Boulder Street.
According to the Nevada County Sheriff’s Department,
more than 150 calls were made over the weekend, mostly due to storm
damage. National Weather Service forecaster George Kline said the four-day
period from Nov. 29 to Dec. 2 experienced a reported 11.36 inches of rain,
almost double last year’s November rainfall average of 6.89 inches. “It’s
a lot more rain than usual, especially for a four-day weekend.” Another
low-pressure, relatively warm storm system will bring more rain Tuesday
and Wednesday with the heaviest amount occurring late Tuesday night into
Wednesday. The expected rainfall will be 2.3 inches. I don't think I've
ever experienced such hard, steady rainfall. It made me think of Noah's
Ark. Evidently it almost filled the dams.