Wesley The Great

(July 2008)


"Wesley the Great." That's what Wes Fertig jokingly calls himself. When he demonstrated his magical card trick, it was amazing how he made the twirling card move up and down and around through the air. I asked if it was magnetism. He said "no," and added that if he told me it wouldn't be a magicians secret anymore. Ray told me there was a fine thread, but I'd examined everything and saw nothing like that. Wesley wanted me and his friend Kylie to do it. Then he demonstrated doing it with a plastic lid. (After we returned home friend Mike told us he'd seen someone do it, and there was a fine string involved. However, when he saw the movie I took, he was astounded, because you cannot see anything attached. He thought Wesley was very accomplished.) Someone gave him a magician set when he was little, and he's been practicing ever since.

