Movin', Movin'...Keep it all a goin'
(October 2004)
everybody, for helping us to move from Mel's old family home on Red
Dog Road. I don't think we could have done it without you. Here's
some pictures you might enjoy.
We bought two storage trailers in Sacramento.
Dave delivered them to us. One for household
storage, and the other for shop equipment & tools.
On the first day, Drew and his friend rode
their motorcycles over to help. They moved
many heavy book boxes up those stairs to
the trailer. It was a tough job. Their only
complaint was that "next time we'll wear
better shoes for the job." They were wearing
motorcycle boots.
Drew operates the tractor, while his friend balances
the boxes for the trip down to the trailer.
...And of course they have a little fun.
What goes next?
Moving the refridgerator. Drew operates the tractor,
while Dave and Kirk stablelize the cargo.
Cheryl and Marge watch.
Bradley and Timmy worked very hard moving
most of the heavy furniture down here to be
loaded. The garage was full too.
Even more stuff in Mel's shop.
Dave's ready to tow Kirks truck away.
Watch out Dave! That cabover's gonna get ya!
....And away they go. Kirk's truck found a new home.
Lisa suggested, "Next summer let's have a two family
yard sale." Good idea...
Thanks a bunch everybody!