Rounded Rectangular Callout: Why did I cross the road?

Dang...and I thought my memory was bad. Don’t you remember? The Beaky Buzzards told you to go play on the freeway on your way to the wheat field yonder! According to witnesses, just about that time Blotto Bob happened to be heading for town in his dilapidated pickup to buy another six pack, and bopped you off the road. There you were...feet pointing heavenward. Things looked so bad that Ol' Beaky put on his best dinner attire and was about to give thanks to the almighty, when you suddenly wiggled a toe, staggered to your feet midst a cloud of loose feathers, and squawked, “Why did I cross the road?”  Like I said...Maybe you'd better stay away from freeways, and advice from shady characters.

Meanwhile, a mile down the road and  a little disappointed with the change of menu, the Beakie's are trying to decide....



Rounded Rectangular Callout: What goes better with road or white?


Or maybe there's another way of looking at  it.

