Happy Birthday and Congratulations
(Friday June 1, 2012)
a very special double celebration of Mason's 14th birthday, and his eighth
grade graduation. Wow! It's that time already? That once little guy is growing
up faster than we can keep track of. Probably taller than me too. Congratulations on
completing the first lap of your education...We all wish you the best of
everything as you head up life's trail to bigger and better

Although it's pretty nice today....brrrrrr.

Great Grandmother Eula Absher, is a remarkable and very
creative 98 year old woman, who was still driving and bowling on a league until
recently. In 2009 the Union (in a bowling notation) described her life as being "A Bowl
of Birthdays." Not many years ago I couldn't help but smile when
she said she'd go back to work if Walmart would have her. Recently Eula
finished crocheting a beautiful Afghan for a great grand daughter. She'd
made one for all of them. This evening Eula told us that when she was
fourteen she and a girlfriend wanted to go watch a baseball game, but
neither could drive to get there. Her dad replied, "Come on, I'll show
you how to drive." Before long she and her friend were on their way....It just goes to show how much things have changed.

Smile Eula and Sue...You're on candid camera.

Deena and Vicky looking over the tasty left overs.

The moon and the sun are still whoopin' up in the
sky, but it's time to call it a day. Thank you all for being such dear
people. Bless your heart Mason. One year older and wiser. We love you and
wish you all the best life has to offer.