Happy Birthday Sue
( Monday June 18, 2012)

we're celebrating Sue's birthday party luncheon at Roby and Dave's
beautiful home overlooking Scott's Flat Lake. The cute mamma and baby
bear greet us at the door, along with a remnant from Sue's campaign with
"Happy Birthday" scribbled on it. That ended a couple of weeks ago
along with all the expense and work for Sue and her wonderful helpers. Another refreshing reason for sighing, and
truly enjoying this occasion. The sun is shining and the slight breeze
encourages a few sail boats on the lake...Maybe some brave souls
actually go swimming. Roby smilingly suggested we bring our bikini's to
take a dip in their heated pool. Good reason to smile, because I'd only
feel comfortable
wearing something resembling an Hawaiian muumuu. After many years of
celebrating birthdays under your belt...when you look in the mirror you
realize that the essence of life is a good sense of humor.

Jean's checking out the sailboats and pool.

It looks like we're about to enjoy some delicious ravioli's, French
bread and salads.

Sue, Michele and Cheryl enjoying themselves.

Mel, Jean and Ted.

...And Margie.

Sue, Amanda, Michele, Cheryl and Vicky.

And now it's time to light the candles and sing happy birthday...but
the breeze keeps blowing them out....but with Roby's persistence with the
lighter...they git er done.

Mel, Ted and Dave patiently waiting for some cake.

Something smells good around here...

Cooper's checking out Mel...and decides it isn't him.

Being petted is better than chasing bears.

Nothin' better than the wind blowing through the ol' gals hair...while
capturing a photo of sweet Vicky and Amanda.

Roby and Sue take advantage of a refreshing dip in the babbling brook.

It's been a wonderful afternoon. Thank you Roby and Dave for your
hospitality, and Jean, Margie, Vicky, Amanda, and Ted for making it an
even more special day for our dear Sue. Didn't mean to stay so long, but
you're so much fun we couldn't help ourselves.
