Happy Birthday Jen

(Wednesday September 10, 2014)

Tonight we're celebrating Jen's 29th at the Old Town Pizza in Auburn. After a short stop and tour of Zack and Jen's Life Altering Fitness Gym, we reach our destination in old downtown Auburn.

Seated from left are Mom Cheryl, Jen, Grammy and Papa and Zack. Great pizza, salad and whatever you want to drink. By the time we took these the crowd's just about disappeared and we're thinking about doing the same.

Just outside opposite the front door (as we're leaving) we hear someone snoring. A quick check reveals the small jail cell with a guy sleeping on a bed inside. Too funny. Can't help wonder what the one who created this had in mind. Behave yourself...or else?

It's been a fun time with you Jen, we love you much, and wish you all the best in life. 

