Women's Christmas Tea
(Thursday December 6, 2012)
his evening I attended
that Twin Cities Church Women's Connection Tea as Cheryl's guest.
The ladies each decorated their special table for the occasion where we
all enjoyed the food, music and entertainment. The men served us at our

Cheryl putting the finishing touches on our table.
Each table has its own special Nativity center piece and place settings.

Michele is a perfect match for our beautiful occasion
and surroundings.

A welcoming prayer with Pastor Ron Thompson, after
which he introduces us to the men who will be serving us dinner and
dessert. Some of the things we talked about over dinner were: Did anyone
have a disastrous Christmas tree story? What Christmas Carol do we like
best, or maybe as a child we received a special present beyond our wildest
dreams. What did we believe about Christmas when we were little? I
remember that Santa would show up delivering all our presents. One thing
bothered me...Grandpa was always late and missed Santa. Eventually I
realized that the reason because he was Santa. It was such fun for us.

We're treated to various Christmas videos.

One of announcers gives us a run down of the program.

The wonderful ladies at our table....

Our distinguished Ted's busy.

Janette Smith relates the history of some very old
Christmas songs accompanied by Don Stamey on the piano. We also got to
sing along with them.

"The Christmas Miracle of Jonathan Tommey" skit is
wonderful. George Rath reads the story that is presented by Lynn
and Chuck Woerner, and Zachary Fairchild. It's about a wood-carver
whose young wife and baby died. He became a grumpy recluse. Not long
before Christmas a lady and her son approach him to carve a Nativity set
for her. The son asks if he can watch him carve the characters in the set.
The carver grumbles and tells the boy he can, but to keep quiet. As the
days progress the boy can't help but mention some positive things about
how the characters should look. His mother brings delicious home-made
bread for the carver to eat. Because they're so nice the grumpy carver
begins to notice and change. Finally Christmas arrives and he decides to
deliver the finished Nativity set to the lady and her son.

...And his life changes for the better.

Three dear friends finishing up a wonderful evening
with very dedicated, talented people. Thanks so much Cheryl and everybody
for making everything so nice.
