Above are Candidate Sue's family and a friend (who couldn't escape).
Front left to right are friend Bonnie, mom Bonnie and dad Mel. Sister
Margie, cousin Lisa, candidate Sue, sister Cheryl and niece Deena. In back
are brother Kirk and his wife Deanna.
By the end of the evening about 26 percent of the vote (or 16,045
ballots) were counted...District 1 Supervisor Nate Beason had 60 percent
of the vote (400 votes), and a lead over Sue's 27 percent (178) and Al
Bulf's 9 percent (60).
The following day The Union newspaper reported, "Nate Beason was
declared the outright winner and earned his third consecutive term to
represent District 1 on the Nevada County Board of Supervisors. Beason
accrued 59.3 percent of the vote (he needed 50 percent of the vote, plus
one to be declared the outright winner and avoid a two-person run off in
November). The next highest vote getter, challenger Sue McGuire had
garnered 29.2 percent of the vote. Al Bulf had managed 9.3 percent of the
total vote for third place.
Throughout the election Beason touted his experience in dealing with
internal county matters as well as representing Nevada County at the state
level. I've done a pretty good job with keeping Nevada County financially
stable over the last seven and a half years and I think we need more of
that, he said in a previous interview with The Union. I think people
trust me.
Meanwhile, Sue McGuire, a private attorney who has public experience in
the District Attorney office, said her tenure in the private sector made
her more qualified to represent the interest of private industry at the
county level. My opponent (Beason), and several people on the board,
their employment has been public employment, so they don't have quite the
same view, she said. It seems to me that (board members) should have a
stint in the private sector to understand what private businesses go
Al Bulf, a transportation expert that has worked on mass transit projects
throughout California, said his opponents have no new ideas. Bulf made the
installation of a public transportation system that would connect Colfax,
Grass Valley and Nevada City via electric train. They're not advocating
anything new as far as I'm concerned, Bulf said. My friends that's why
they support me. There's nothing new coming down the pike from those guys.
Nate Beason just wants another four years.
Beason is currently serving his second term as supervisor, having been
elected in 2004 and again in 2008, serving two four-year terms each time.
Beason ran unopposed in 2008, but won by about 550 votes over Olivia Diaz
in 2004.
District 1 includes Nevada City and the unincorporated areas of Banner
Mountain, Cascade Shores, Deer Creek and the Highway 174 corridor."

Nicco gave us this photo of the original Old Brewery.
In conclusion, all I can say is that it's been an interesting trip on
the educational campaign trail with Sue. Doing the walk gave me a birds
eye view of how discouraged many people feel about their government.
Some asked if she was a Christian, as though seeking to vote for someone
with moral values. In the beginning one person who encouraged
her to run for Supervisor asked me what I thought about it. My reply was,
"Do I want her to be crucified, like what happens to most good people
like Jesus Christ and his followers?" But I had to agree with him and
Sue that if no one makes the effort to make things better it will not
happen...so don't complain. Once again Sue took the high road and
volunteered to do her best to accomplish something better. With her were
many absolutely wonderful volunteers working very hard to help her. Bless
all your hearts for everything you've done. And thanks to all who donated
to her campaign, and to you who voted for her.