Nevada City Stick-in-the-Mud's luncheon at Northridge

(Thursday August 4, 2011)

Not many were able to make it to lunch today. Left to right...Mel, Bonnie, Maxine, Bruce, Nick and Norman. We were sorry more couldn't make it,  but the smaller group brought us within hearing distance of stories about the good ol' days growing up. Like the guy's lugging big ladders around picking pears in Joel Bierwagen's orchard. If you weren't strong enough you didn't have a job. Maxine worked in a fruit packing shed making sure that each box weighed exactly the same. Then there were the  intriguing military experiences that young men have in foreign countries. This afternoon's camaraderie and tasty lunch was perfect, and we hope to share the fun with more old friends next time. This time around,  I noticed the train model on the wall by our table that led to a wonderful video story about Nevada County's Narrow Gauge Railroad. If you would like to watch it, click on the photo below.

