Nevada City High School Class of 1943 Reunion
(Saturday June 7, 2003)
We're at the Elk's Club to join Nevada City High School's 1943 graduates celebration of their sixtieth reunion. The invitation was extended to all who attended school here. Below is a picture of the guests of honor. Spokes person Al Soga gave a run down on the event and former teacher Charles Parsons, introduced everyone to his new wife. A very romantic story. Two young people who met in grade school and went their separate ways. Each married other persons, and after over 50 years of marriage, each was widowed. They renewed their acquaintance and decided life would be nicer together. It couldn't have happened to finer people.
Al wants Ed to look at what was written on the bottom of this table Al made in wood shop. "Al Soga is a fart." He always had suspicions regarding the culprit who wrote it there.
After the speeches were over, we enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner.
....And of course we did lots of visiting and remembering.
Carl, Glen and Mel.
Bev and Leona.
Bill, Mary and Mel.
Betty and Jean.
The happy Parsons.
Ed and Denny.
Betty, June and Carl.
Barbara, Katherine and Stan.
Esther and Ben...
Diana and Sam.
Glen and Carl.
Marge and Maxine.
Patti and Vi.
Roberta and Joe.
William and Ed.
It was a wonderful afternoon with old friends and acquaintances. We'll be looking forward to more good times together.
Nevada City High School 1943