exploration party.
Ancient Amazon Explorer's Manuscript
Bonnie Wayne McGuire
There are fascinating stories about lost
cities in the mountains and rain-forests of the Amazon basin. They
were written by eye witnesses, and explorers searching for
treasure. Years ago I was reading "The Amazon" by Robin Furneaux. The author mentioned an old
out of print book "Explorations of the Highlands of Brazil"
by Sir Richard Burton, describing explorations in the
highlands of Brazil. Lady Burton had translated a 1743-1753
manuscript written by Portuguese bandeirestas who discovered lost
cities beyond the headwaters of the Amazon. The manuscript was in
the great public library of Rio, which embodied the large and
valuable libraries of the old Kings of Portugal, the Emperors of
Brazil, and records of generations of Lusitanian viceroys. Evidently, the old manuscript inspired
many explorers to seek the lost city it described. I was curious,
so I contacted a book outlet that used to be located at
Hill in California. They had what they called the "Round Robin."
If you wanted a rare, out of print book, they'd find someone who
had one for sale.
long they notified me that someone had one they'd sell to me for
$100. Well, my enthusiasm cooled somewhat...and I procrastinated.
A few weeks passed, and during
that time I was invited to a tea at a neighbors. While discussing
my study and interest in the book with some of the ladies, they
were thrilled and urged me to purchase the book...so later I
mailed my acceptance with a check. The book dealer told me that
since I hadn't replied, they sold it to someone else. People were
bidding up to $1,000. I suggested that the publisher reprint the
book for their customers as they had done with others.
Evidently it was a collector's item, because it was by the famous
explorer Sir Richard Francis Burton who discovered the source of
the Nile in Africa.
While this
seems to have been a bad ending, it wasn't. A year earlier,
I purchased a rare book on the "Mysteries of Ancient South
America," (written by Harold T. Wilkins) that I hadn't
yet read. It only cost $27. Imagine my surprise when I found the
same manuscript fully translated by the author of this book, plus
much, much more. It was the perfect compliment to Dr. John
Baldwin's "Ancient America" full of archaeology notes.
The old Portuguese
explorer’s manuscript inspired the both Colonel Percy Fawcett
and Sir Richard Burton to explore the Brazilian highlands of
Brazil. In 1906, when rubber was becoming an important
commodity in the world marketplace, Fawcett was hired to survey
the borders
of Bolivia and Brazil. With it’s completion, he and his son and
a photographer set off to find the lost city described in the
old manuscript, and what the Indians told him. Unfortunately
they disappeared in the vast savage wilderness and were never
seen or heard from again.
Parts of the manuscript were destroyed by the insect called the
so many words and segments are missing.
The strange adventure of the bandeiristas occurred from
1743 to 1753.

Percy Fawcett Sir Richard Francis
The Portuguese explorer’s manuscript

The copim eaten first page of the original 18th
century Brazilian
de huma occulta, e grande povoacoe antiguissima sem moradores,
que se descubrio
no anno de 1753. (Historical Relation of a hidden
and great city of ancient date, without inhab-itants, that was
discovered in the year 1753).
Em a
America (in America)............nos interiores (we
inland).......contiguous aos (next to the)....Mestre de Can
(Master of Can).............................and his band (commitiva),
having for ten years journeyed in the wilds (sertoes) to see if
we could locate the famous silver mines of the Great Moribecca
(who, by the wickedness (culpa) of a Governor, was not granted
letters patent, because the Governor wanted to take the silver
mines for himself and the glory thereof, and he, the Moribecca,
was kept prisoner in Bahia, till he died, which was done to worm
out of him the location of the silver mines. This account came
to Rio de Janeiro, in the beginning of the year 1754..."
long and wearisome wanderings, incited by the insatiable lust
for gold, and almost lost
cordillera of mountains, so high that
they drew near the ethereal region (chegavdo a regido etherea),
and served as a throne of the winds, under the stars; their
lustre, from afar, excited our wonder and admiration,
principally when the sun shining on them turned to fires the
crystals of which the rocks were composed. The view was so
beautiful that none could take their eyes from the reflections.
It began to rain before we came near enough to take note of
these crystalline
marvels, and we saw
spectacle was bare and sterile rocks, the waters precipitated
themselves from the heights, foaming white, like snow, struck
and turned to fire by the rays of the sun, like thunder-bolts.
Delighted by the pleasing vistas of that....blended....shone and
glistered....of the waters and the tranquility....of the day or
weather (do tempo), we determined to investigate these
prodigious marvels of nature, spread out before us, at the foot
of the mountains, without hindrance of forests or rivers that
would make it difficult for us to cross them. But when we walked
round the foot of the cordillera we found no open way or pass
into the recesses of these Alps and Pyrenees of Brazil. So there
resulted for us, from this disappointment, an
grew weary and intended to retrace our steps, the next day, when
it came to pass that one
of our negroes, gathering dried sticks,
saw a white deer (hum veado branco), and, by that accident, as
it fled away, he discovered a road between two sierras, that
appeared to have been made by man and not the work of Nature. We
were made joyful by this discovery and we started to ascend the
road, but found a great boulder that had fallen and broken all
to pieces at a spot where, we judged, a paved way (calcada) had
been violently upheaved in some far-off day. We
spent a good three
hours in the ascent of that ancient road, being fascinated by
the crystals, at
which we marvelled, as they blazed and
scintillated in many flashing colours from the rocks. On the
summit of the pass through the mountain, we came to a halt.
"Thence, spread out before our eyes, we saw in the open plain
(campo raso) greater spectacles
(demonstracoes) for
our vision of admiration and wonder. At the distance of about a
league, as we judged, we saw a great city (povoacao grande), and
we estimated, by the extent and sight of it, that it must be
some city of the court of Brazil; we at once descended the road
towards the valley, but with great caution.....would be, in like
case, ordered to explore......by quality and...............if so
well as they had noticed........smokes (fumines (?)), that being
one of the evident signs or vestiges
of the place (povoacao).
days we waited, wondering whether to send out scouts, for the
end we longed for, and all
alone, we waited till daybreak, in great
doubt and confused perplexity of mind, trying to guess if the
city had any people in it. But it became clear to us thee were
no inhabitants. An Indian of our bandeirantes determined, after
two days of hesitation, to risk his life in scouting by way of
precaution; but he returned, amazing us by affirming he had met
no one; nor could discover foot-steps or traces of any person
whatever. This so confounded us that we could not believe we saw
dwellings or buildings, and so, all the scouts (os exploradores)
in a body, followed in the steps of the Indian......."
now saw for themselves that it was true the great city was
uninhabited. We, all, therefore, now decided to enter the place,
our arms ready for instant use, at daybreak. At our entry we met
none to bar our way, and we encountered no other road except the
one which led to the dead city. This, we entered under three
arches (arcos) of great height, the middle arch being the
greatest, and the two of the sides being but small; under the
great and principal arch we made out letters, which we could not
copy, owing to their great height above the ground.
"Behind, was a street as wide as the three arches, with, here
and there, houses of very large size, whose facades of
sculptured stone, already blackened with age;
alone........inscriptions, all open to the day (todos aberias).....decreases
of.......observing, by the regularity and symmetry with their
terraces open to the day, without one tile; for the houses had,
some of them, burnt floors; others large flagstones.
went, with fear and trembling, into some of the houses, and in
none did we find vestiges of furniture, or moveable objects by
which, or whose use, we might guess at the sort of people who
had dwelt therein. The houses were all dark, in the interior,
and hardly could the light of day
penetrate, even at
its dimmest, and, as the vaults gave back the echoes of our
speech, the sound of our voices terrified us. We went on into
the strange city and we came on a road (street: rua) of great
length, and a well set-out plaza (uma praca regular), besides,
in it, and in the middle of the plaza a column of black stone of
extraordinary grandeur, on whose summit was a statue of a man (homen
ordinario: not a god, or demi-god) with a hand on the left hip
and right arm out-stretched, pointing with the index finger to
the north pole; and each corner of the said plaza is an obelisk
like those among the Romans, but now badly damaged, and cleft as
by thunderbolts.
"On the
right side of the plaza is a superb building, as it were the
principal town-house of some
great lord of the
land; there is a great hall (saldo) at the entrance, but still
being awed and afraid, not all of us entered in the hou.......being
so many and the retre......ed to form some.........ed we
encounter a.....mass of extraordin........it was difficult for
him to lift it................
bats were so numerous that they fluttered in swarms round the
faces of our people, and
made so much noise that it was
astonishing. Above the principal portico of the street is a
figure in half-relief, cut out of the same stone, and naked from
the waist upward, crowned with laurel, representing a person of
youthful years, without beard, with a girdle (banda) around him,
and an under-garment (um fraldelim) open in front at the waist,
underneath the shield (escudo) of this figure are certain
characters, now badly defaced by time, but we made out the

"On the
left side of the plaza is another totally ruined building, and
the vestiges remaining well
show that it was a
temple, because of the still standing side of its magnificent
facade, and certain naves of stone, standing entire. It covers
much ground, and in the ruined halls are seen works of beauty,
with other statues of portraits inlaid in the stone, with
crosses of various shapes, curves (arches (?) corvos) and many
other figures that would take too long to describe
this building a great part of the city lies completely in ruins,
and buried under great
masses of earth, and frightful crevasses
in the ground, and in all this expanse of utter desolation there
is seen no grass, herb, tree, or plant produced by nature, but
only mountainous heaps of stone, some raw (that is, unworked),
others worked and carved, whereby we
understood........they......because again
among......of......corpses that..........and part of this
unhappy...........and overthrown, perhaps, by some earthquake.
"Opposite this plaza, there runs very swiftly a most deep (caudaloso)
and wide river, with
spacious banks, that were very pleasing
to the eye: it was eleven to twelve fathoms in width, without
reckoning the windings, clear and bared at its banks of groves,
as of trees and of the trunks that are often brought down in
floods. We sounded its depths and found the deepest parts to be
fifteen or sixteen fathoms. The country beyond consists wholly
of very green and flourishing fields, and so blooming with a
variety of flowers that it seemed as if Nature, more attentive
to these parts, had laid herself out to create the most
beautiful gardens of Flora: we gazed, too, in admiration and
astonishment at certain lakes covered
with wild rice plants from
which we profited, and also at the innumerable flocks of geese
that bred in these fertile plains (campos); but it would have
been difficult to sound their
depths with the
hand, in the absence of a sounding-rod.
days we journeyed down the river, and we stumbled on a cataract
(uma catadupa) of
such roaring noise and commotion of foaming
waters, that we supposed the mouths of the much talked of Nile
could not have made more trouble or booming, or offered more
resistance to our further progress. Afterwards, the river
spreads out so much from this cascade that it appears to be a
great Ocean (qui parece a grande Oceano). It is all full of
peninsulas, covered with green grass, with groves of trees, here
and there, that make.........pleas..................Here, we
find.........................for want of it,
we...............................the variety of
game...............many created beings without hunters to hunt
and chase them.
"On the
eastern side of this cataract, we found various subterranean
hollows (subcavoes)
and frightful holes, and made trial of
their depths with many ropes; but, after many attempts we were
never able to plumb their depths. We found, besides, certain
broken stones, and (lying) on the surface of the ground, thrown
down, with bars of silver (crevadas de prata) that may have been
extracted from the mines, abandoned at the time.
these caverns (furnas) we saw some covered with a great
flagstone, with the
following figures cut into it, that
suggest a great mystery. They are as follows:
"Over the portico of the temple,
we saw, besides, the following forms:
"Distant a cannon-shot from the abandoned city is a building
like a country house (casa de
campo), with a
frontage of 250 feet. It is approached by a great portico, from
which a stairway built with a door communicating with the said
great chamber. Each room has its waterspout (or fountain: bica
de agua)......................the which water
meets..................in the exterior
courtyard..............colonnades in the sur............squared
and fashioned by hand, overhung with the characters following:

"Thence, leaving that marvel, we went down to the banks of the
river to see whether
we could find gold, and without
difficulty, we saw, on the surface of the soil, a fine trail
promising great riches, as well of gold, as of silver: we
marveled that this place had been abandoned by those who had
formerly inhabited it; for, with all our careful investigations
and great diligence we had met no person, in this wilderness,
who might tell us of this deplorable marvel of an abandoned
city, whose ruins, statues and grandeur, attested its former
populous ness, wealth, and its flourishing in the centuries
past; whereas, today, it is inhabited by swallows, bats, rats
and foxes, that, fed on the innumerable swarms of hens and
geese, have become bigger than a pointer dog. The rats have the
tails so short that they leap like fleas and do not run or walk,
as they do in other places.
this place, the band separated, and one company, joined by
others, journeyed
forward, and, after nine days long marchings,
saw, at a distance, on the bank of a great bay (enseada) into
which the river spreads, a canoe with some white persons, with
long, flowing, black hair, dressed like
Europeans................a gunshot fired as a signal
to....................for they had escaped. They
had...........................shaggy and
wild......................their hair is plaited and they wear
"One of
our company, named Joao Antonio, found in the ruins of a house a
piece of
gold money, of spherical shape, greater than our
Brazilian coin of 6,400 reis: on one side was an image, or
figure of a kneeling youth; on the other, a bow, a crown, and an
arrow (setta), of which coins we doubted not to have found many
in the abandoned city; since it was overthrown by an earthquake,
which gave no time, so sudden was its onset, to take away
precious objects; but it needs a very powerful arm to turn over
the rubbish, accumulated in so many long years, as we saw.
news is sent to you Honour from the interior of the province of
Bahia and from
the rivers Para-oacu and Una, and assuring you
that we shall give information to no person, whatsoever; for we
judge the villages are empty of people and boat owners. But I
have given to your Honour the mine we have discovered, reminded
of the great deal that is owed to you.
"Supposing that from our band, one of our company went forth, at
this time, with a different pretense.....he may, with great harm
to your Honour, abandon his poverty and and
come to use these great things for his own benefit, taking great
care to bribe that Indian (therefore), so as to spoil his
purpose and lead your Honour to these great treasures,
etc...............................would find, in the

strange characters were engraved on the great stones, sealing
the vault of
treasure, that the baneiristas could not open.
This completes the fascinating manuscript by the bandeiristas of
Minas Geracs that inspired many explorers to search for the lost
city. Colonel P. H. Fawcett found that fourteen out of the
twenty-four characters inscribed on the pillars and porticoes
recorded in the South American manuscript were identical with
those he accidentally discovered in the jungle forest of Ceylon.
When he got back to civilization he took a copy of the
inscriptions to a learned Sinhalese priest, who told him that
the writing was a form of Asoka, of the old Asoka Buddhists, in
a cypher which only those ancient priests understood. Experts
surmise that the bizarre inscriptions record the cacheing, in a
time of great dearth, or famine, of an immense treasure that
would be thousands of years old.
people haven't the slightest idea of what existed on the
American continent and this hemisphere. This continent appears to be
the original
cradle of civilization because of the great
abundance of scattered fossilized human works found here. These
concur with what the ancient Egyptian priests told Herodotus,
the Greek historian. They said that they had a written history
dating back 11,340 years and that they descended from the oldest
people on earth who lived in the west. This explains why the
Egyptians were so advanced in their civilization. Did you know
that early Egyptians were mostly fair skinned people with red
and blond hair? That most of the perfect glas eyes they
manufactured were blue, or grey? They were the Adamites, or Ads
of ancient legends who were excellent architects, engineers and
astronomers. They were large of stature and taught about God.
They were civilizers; the sons of light, and their government
was a theocracy designed like the solar system. The Creator was
symbolized as the sun at the center...and all it's colonies were
the planets. Their kings were "Sons of the Sun." The
center of this civilization was located on the American
continent. Ancient legends of Easter Island and others indicate
it existed on the edge of the last Ice Age, and perished from
the cataclysm that also eliminated the last mastodons. It's
eastern colonies we now call "the cradle of civilization"
above, and book below)
